Mystery Greens & Some Flower Confirmation

Discussion in 'Identification Area' started by Super Lucyjin, Feb 29, 2016.

  1. Super Lucyjin

    Super Lucyjin dinnae fash yersel

    Feb 26, 2016
    Fife, Scotland
    Looking for a little ID help on a couple of things in my garden!

    Mystery Greens:
    These were nestled right in by the trunk of the plum tree, and I rescued them thinking they were leeks (based on the label I found buried near them, see picture 1). They were gently dug up in one block and transferred to a spare pot until I could get to the garden centre to get more pots and compost etc to give them more space to grow. HOWEVER, when I attempted to break up the earth block, they proved to be sort of cojoined, and had something bulbous going on underneath; not leeks at all! (see picture 2, which shows a separated part of the group)
    I think it's garlic, now. Right or wrong? :scratch:

    Picture 1 // Picture 2

    Hebe or Not Hebe? That is the Question
    ...yeah pretty much what the awful pun title says. :snork:
    This plant is in the western bed in the back garden, isn't higher than my knee (I'm 5'3"), and is spread about roughly 2 and a half feet. I'm fairly convinced it's some kind of dwarf Hebe, but I'm a bundle of self doubt about everything so it'd be nice to have my thoughts corroborated. Whatever it is, it's vigorous as all-get-out and flowered all the way through until October and is now flowering again in February!

    Full shot (last summer) // Close up on leaves and flowers (today)

    Your smarts and help are appreciated!
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    • Anthony Rogers

      Anthony Rogers Guest

      hi Lucy,

      No 2 definitely a Hebe, don't k ow which one though.

      No 1 not Garlic, Garlic is a white bulb. This looks like a Dutch Iris to me.
      • Agree Agree x 1
      • Informative Informative x 1
      • Anthony Rogers

        Anthony Rogers Guest

        Who's pinched my " n " :(
        • Funny Funny x 3
        • Phil A

          Phil A Guest

          N truders :th scifD36: :paladin:
          • Funny Funny x 3
          • Super Lucyjin

            Super Lucyjin dinnae fash yersel

            Feb 26, 2016
            Fife, Scotland
            Thanks Anthony, I found a label on identical looking hebe in the front garden that identifies it as Hebe "Caledonia", so I'm fairly convinced that's what it is now. :blue thumb:

            As for MYSTERY GREENS, I'm just watching them like a hawk, and we'll see if they do anything that makes them identifiable!
            • Friendly Friendly x 1

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