National Dahlia Collection- terrible service, rip off postage

Discussion in 'General Gardening Discussion' started by CharlieBot, May 11, 2016.

  1. CharlieBot

    CharlieBot Super Gardener

    May 12, 2014
    Ordered rooted cuttings from this "collection" last September to be delivered in April/May and paid a ridiculous £8.30 postage. Had an email last Wedsnesday (4th) saying they had been dispatched.
    Weekend come, no sign, so dropped an email and expected a reply sometime Monday. No reply, so I phoned first thing this morning and spoke with possibly the most unhelpful (snobby sounding) woman who I've had the misfortune to come across.

    Explained the situation, to have "oh dear", "what a shame" and various other exclamations of the same thing. Followed by, "not much we can do" and "I'll speak to the Director (!) and get back to you".
    4pm, no call back recieved so rang again simply to be told "this won't be resolved quickly" and the Director has not replied to her email. I know Royal Mail issues are not their fault but not once did I hear the word 'sorry' uttered. I was perfectly polite but I did feel close to speaking my mind.

    People slate T&M but on both occasions where I've had issues with them it's been resolved very promptly and to my satisfaction. I've since found out from someone else who ordered from TDC the postage printed on the cardboard box is £3.07, so how they justify £8.30 is beyond me!

    Ordered these named varieties as they were the most similar to my wedding bouquet, feeling totally let down and ripped off now.

    Rant over! Avoid this "collection" like the plague!
    • Friendly Friendly x 1
    • NigelJ

      NigelJ Total Gardener

      Jan 31, 2012
      Mad Scientist
      Paignton Devon
      @CharlieBot Sorry to hear about your bad experience. I used them a few years ago and my plants arrived as promised, they were well packed and grew away well. In fact I've still got them all.

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