Natural methods of keeping Roses healthy

Discussion in 'Roses' started by merleworld, Oct 8, 2012.

  1. merleworld

    merleworld Total Gardener

    May 30, 2011
    Just wondering how people keep their roses healthy?

    I spray mine once a month with Rose Clear, but I don't like using it because it has nasties in it which could kill beneficial insects.

    If I spot an aphid infestation, I either squish them or else spray the plant with soapy water, which seems to do the trick.

    I am thinking more of the numerous other diseases which can affect roses, such as powdery mildew, black spot, etc. What can I use as a natural spray to prevent/combat those?

    I have read about using baking soda - has anybody used that and does it work?

    Are there any other 'natural' things I could use?

    Thanks in advance :)

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