need for a heated propogator?

Discussion in 'General Gardening Discussion' started by plantaholic, Sep 17, 2007.

  1. plantaholic

    plantaholic Gardener

    Aug 25, 2007
    Can someone with more experiance of greenhouses(I've had my beauty for only 2 weeks)tell me if I really need a heated propogator.And even if I buy one what happens then to my little seedlings? I've no end of seeds to sew to fill my new borders. Some of them say on the packet they can be sown in spring or autumn. I've done some sweet peas which have come up fine. I'm worried though that some seeds take weeks to germinate and it'll be cold then! A friend is kindly giving us his greenhouse heater for later on and we hope to keep the greenhouse frost free but will tiny seedlings need more heat? I'm wondering if I'm achieving anything sowing them at this time of year or just sending them to their chilly grave?
  2. walnut

    walnut Gardener

    May 25, 2006
    Hi Plantaholic if they are plants for next years borders start them early in spring the propagator will give you a good start, if you start plants now you would have no problem getting them to grow but to keep them growing through winter will need temperature of about a minimum 50f and you have to look at supplementary lighting as winter light levels are too low to sustain strong plants, unless you are growing special plants its an expensive winter hobby fuel bills will be high.
  3. plantaholic

    plantaholic Gardener

    Aug 25, 2007
    thanks walnut..I sort of thought that was the case..guess my greenhouse is too much of a novelty still so was itching to get sowing. I'll take your advice and wait till spring for the rest of my seeds. Many thanks

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