Need Help...

Discussion in 'General Gardening Discussion' started by Growler, Sep 27, 2008.

  1. Growler

    Growler Apprentice Gardener

    Sep 27, 2008

    My first post here and after reading all the advice given previously, I'm sure you guys can help me!

    I look after the gardens at a block of flats where I live. The flats are fairly new build and, as seems to be the case these days, the builders have laid a fairly low quality turf when they laid the garden and have left numerous bits of debris under the lawn area.

    The problem is that most of the lawn has now sunk (in some place by about 3 - 4 inches!) and the moss and weeds are now thriving.

    I have looked at getting the whole lawn re-done, but I think it's going too be prohibitively too expensive, which would leave me to do it in phases.

    The questions I have are...

    1. Is it possible to top-dress the lawn to bring the level up? I realise that where it has sunk 3 - 4 inches this would not be possible, but if the lawn only needs bringing up about 1 inch, would this be feasible?

    2. If I use a seed that is shade hardy, will it also thrive in sunny conditions?

    3. What do I use to kill the moss? I have read somewhere that sharp sand will do the trick?

    I look forward to your responses and expect I'll have further questions once the reponses come!

    Thank you.
  2. lollipop

    lollipop Gardener

    Jun 26, 2008
    Hello and Welcome Growler.

    Do you have to finance the whole thing yourself? That would be a touch harsh.

    You don`t say how large a space it is.

    You could get topsoil and spread it so it is even and then reseed.

    The shade tolerant seed will thrive in Sun-there is a difference between shade loving and shade tolerant, so it won`t be a problem.

    You can buy a propietary moss killer for the lawn.
  3. Garden master

    Garden master Gardener

    Sep 29, 2008
    Hi, Growler, As Lollypop has mentioned how big is the area, if your looking after the grounds surley the owners should be financing. Sounds like their using field turf and not seeded, this is prone to weeds. I would level off the area and reseed, we call it overseeding, And a good mosskiller should do the trick. When was the turf laid, as id recommend Aeraiting and scarifiyng as well, this will help strengthen the root system by allowing air and nutriemts to get into the sub layer. The scarifying will remove the thatch ( dead grass ) around the base of the swards.:thumb:
  4. lollipop

    lollipop Gardener

    Jun 26, 2008
    Scarifying a lawn-that is harsh, best to hire one of the electric ones. I showed willing and tried to do mine with a rake, gave up after about a sq metre-I don`t like grass that much.
  5. Garden master

    Garden master Gardener

    Sep 29, 2008
    Keeps you warm in the cold weather tho :lollol:

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