nematodes and vine weevil

Discussion in 'Pests, Diseases and Cures' started by Emmagowin, May 14, 2010.

  1. Emmagowin

    Emmagowin Apprentice Gardener

    May 14, 2010

    I've taken my first losses this week courtesy of vine weevil larvae.

    My little tomato plants (red alert and totem) were looking poorly for about a week then drooped and keeled over and when I pulled them up there were 10's of small white grubs with tan coloured heads.

    So, I'm awaiting my first batch of nematodes, I've ordered the slug one too.

    I'm growing in containers on the patio but there are other plants/ soil around the patio.

    1. Are the vine weevil likely to have laid in all my containers?

    2. I have disposed of the little tomato plants but once the nematodes are put in that soil can I use it again or should I discard it?

    3. Should I also treat nearby surrounding area of soil for slugs/vine weevil?

    I'm looking forward to killing these critters!


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