New Airport Security Rules - A Big Fuss Over Nothing?

Discussion in 'The Muppet Show' started by shiney, Jul 8, 2014.

  1. shiney

    shiney President, Grumpy Old Men's Club Staff Member

    Jul 3, 2006
    Retired - Last Century!!!
    Herts/Essex border. Zone 8b
    For the last few days the media have been going on about the new security rules for airports.

    Apparently, as terrorists are getting more sophisticated, everyone's electrically equipment needs a more stringent test. So they are going to make you turn on your equipment as non-detectable explosives may be disguised as the equipment.

    So if your equipment doesn't work, because the battery, is flat it will be confiscated.

    I don't know anything about the technical side but I don't see any real problem with this rule. All you need to do is make sure that the battery is properly charged before going to the airport.

    I was watching the news where they were interviewing people and also discussing it in the studio. There seemed to be an age gap divide in opinions. The younger people (under 40's :heehee:) seemed extremely concerned at it whilst the older ones weren't that bothered.

    All of them agreed that it isn't difficult to make sure you have charged your equipment before leaving home/office but it differed after that. It seemed to come down to how much you use it. One of them said that they are on their phone all the time (could easily refer to ipad etc.) and, with having to be at the airport early, having their plane delayed, they may have used up their battery time. Similarly kids playing on their electronic games or pads.

    As I'm a Luddite it won't affect me but it doesn't really seem to be much of a problem. If your equipment doesn't hold sufficient charge (I thought almost everything could hold lots of charge nowadays - according to the adverts on TV) then don't use it so much whilst waiting for your flight.

    I understand that airports also have charging points. So what's the problem? :noidea:

    It appears that there will be some new businesses in the airports offering high power quick boosts for batteries. So it's also creating some new jobs :)

    So, why all the fuss? Am I missing something? :scratch:
  2. clueless1

    clueless1 member... yep, that's what I am:)

    Jan 8, 2008
    I can't see the problem with the new checks. Well, I can, but not from the same angle as the masses.

    My problem is that a device turning on proves nothing. Nada, zilch.

    Take the average laptop for example. The battery is quite large. It has to be in order to provide a few hours of running a modern CPU, hard disk, monitor, wifi etc. But how bit does that battery have to be if it only needs to power the device for a few minutes, to get through some weak security check? Probably less than 10% of the volume of the battery array, leaving more than 90% of the volume for something more sinister.

    I think it would make much more sense to simply ban anything with a significant sized battery from going on a plane. A camera for your holiday snaps is fine, as would be an MP3 player or mobile phone. Take away much of the battery volume and it does't leave much room for anything else. Then a simple test to see if it switches on would be reasonably effective. If anyone needs to take a laptop, then there are plenty of options. There could be some process where they declare it and pay a fee for it to be properly checked (not just switched on), or they're away on business, they could simply leave it and use a loaned computer at the other end. We're in the 21st century now, computing is distributed. I can access all my stuff from any machine, or even my phone.
  3. Kristen

    Kristen Under gardener

    Jul 22, 2006
    Suffolk, UK
    Doesn't seem to me to be that long ago, when electronic stuff on planes was relatively new, that I HAD to turn on my Laptop to show that it worked. At some point that stopped ... not sure how the risk went away?? ... and has come back again?? :whistle:
  4. Madahhlia

    Madahhlia Total Gardener

    Mar 19, 2007
    Suburban paradise
    Despite being given due warning that the device must be charged up, there will always be plenty that forget/didn't know/unforeseen circumstances etc. Now I don't mind having a 200ml tube of suncream from Wilko confiscated, or even my crappy old Samsung dumbphone, but if they laid their hands on a new £300 smartphone it would cause significant emotional upset, shall we say. So that's probably why the yoof are getting worried about it, they are envisioning the scenarios.
  5. Jiffy

    Jiffy The Match is on Fire

    Aug 25, 2011
    Retired Next To The Bonfire in UK
    I can't see a problem with it, i don't fly, if i did, i want to be safe and get there in one peace not hurndreds
  6. shiney

    shiney President, Grumpy Old Men's Club Staff Member

    Jul 3, 2006
    Retired - Last Century!!!
    Herts/Essex border. Zone 8b
    I'm sure someone will set up another business in the airport where they will store your item for collection on return (for a small fee).

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