new born here

Discussion in 'New Members Introduction' started by deadlyart, Oct 2, 2006.

  1. deadlyart

    deadlyart Apprentice Gardener

    Oct 2, 2006
    hi there i tried to email you but got a returned posting so i will pose my question here if that is ok........

    Hi there I have come across your forum and would like very much to join, I have noted that you say no commercial or trade advertising on your boards, I am a garden sculptor and would like to be able to post a link to show my work on your forum as part of my signature, however it does include a payment page, could you please advise if this would be allowed before I join please as I don't wish to offend. many thanks for your time Jake Howard.

    I have included my link so you may see if its appropriate or not.
  2. Royster

    Royster Gardener

    Aug 18, 2006
    Hi Jake and welcome to G.C.!
    I do believe that many a forum are not in favour of "commercial or trade advertising" and as you correctly point out neither is G.C.

    Sorry but I will have to kow-tow to the Moderators to reply to your question.

    But, as far as I am concerned - I checked out your website and really like what I see there!!
    I wonder if you would have a catalogue as I may (or may not?) be at some time in the future able to assist you in a sale or 2, purely dependent upon my own clients resources and desires.

    Many thanks!
  3. Daisies

    Daisies Total Gardener

    May 26, 2005
    Hi there, Deadlyart. Welcome to GC.

    There is a forum rule about trade advertising. I will get Nathan, our webmaster to contact you but I think he might be away just now.

    Is that OK?

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