New JCB anti-crime technology will 'save users half on insurance'

Discussion in 'Gardening News RSS Feeds' started by Horticulture Week News, Aug 24, 2012.

  1. Horticulture Week News

    Horticulture Week News Guest

    "Over 1m worth of plant is stolen every week across the UK and Ireland and just five per cent is ever recovered," said sales director Yvette Henshall-Bell. "This will protect thousands of machines and cut insurance premiums by up to 45 per cent." She said all JCB s mini and midi excavators the firm s smallest plant - sold in the UK now featured its 3-star Thatcham-approved immobiliser fitted as standard. The 801 mini excavators were first to benefit from the immobilisers in 2010. "The security measures have gradually been rolled out to the rest of the range, culminating now in the final three models, the 8025, 8030 and 8035ZTS machines, having the security device," she said. This meant all of JCB s 16-machine mini and midi excavator line-up, from the 1.5-tonne 8014CTS model up to the 8-tonne 8085ZTS, now had the new JCB immobiliser - available as a key transponder immobiliser or a keypad punch-button pin system. Henshall-Bell said other benefits included increased control over machines by eliminating unauthorised starting, and restriction of machine use to approved and competent operators. Thatcham, the motor insurance research centre, is a non-profit organisation funded by motor insurance companies to develop nationally recognised standards for security equipment. To gain approval kit has to withstand a 15-minute attack test.

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