New lawn - Help

Discussion in 'Lawns' started by IMF, Jul 29, 2007.

  1. IMF

    IMF Apprentice Gardener

    Jul 28, 2007
    I have recently had my garden levelled (as it was on a big slope) and re turfed. I am watering it sufficiently (I think) as it is still very green and seems to be talking but the problem is it is very soft in places and a bit lumpy. If I walk on it, it seems to be too soft & it moves under foot, there also seems to be a few places where it dips.

    Do I need to roller it? It this usual until it takes properly, it was laid on Friday of last week.
    I dont have a roller, bit would stampoing it down help?

    The gardener who did it is now in holiday so I cant ask him & to be honest I'm not a great gardener myself so any tips and advise would be appreciated.

  2. Fonzie

    Fonzie Gardener

    Jan 27, 2007
    South East
    I would keep off it for a couple of weeks or more to let it settle. Keep watering it though.
    See what it's like in about two to three weeks. Good luck.
  3. OogieBoogie

    OogieBoogie Gardener

    Jul 24, 2007
    I agree with Fonzie - I'd try to keep off it for about 4 weeks from laying if possible, to give the roots time to knit into the subsoil. If it needs mowing use the highest setting. It will be springy to start with. I put in a couple of patches and they are much nicer to walk on than the old grass, which feels very hard in comparison. You can usually tell if you're underwatering as the turfs start to shrink way from each other. If they do this buy a bag of lawn sand (�£4?) and generously fill in the cracks (doesn't matter if some of the grass gets a sprinkling of this soil on it), this will protect the edges of the turfs from drying out more and the grass will spread to cover it in a short while.

    A neighbour went on holiday just after turfs had been laid - I noticed they started to shrink so I bought some soil and did this while they were away - when I was in the bedroom looking down on it it looked like cement in green brickwork! Did the job though.
  4. vegman

    vegman Gardener

    May 22, 2007
    Once established any bumps can be delt with by slicing the turf over the bumpy area and rolling it back, clear out the offending bump and re lay. Ditto for a hollow but add compost

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