New Lawn - Squashy in parts...

Discussion in 'Lawns' started by jackjack, Feb 18, 2011.

  1. jackjack

    jackjack Apprentice Gardener

    Feb 18, 2011
    Hello all!

    I'm wondering if it is possible to get alittle advice.

    Around 6-7 months ago I dug up my old lawn as it was covered in weeds and laid a new one. Dug it up, turned it over, took the roots of the weeds out, laid a base layer of mixed soil and sand, leveled, compacked by walking over it then laid the turf.

    Today I went out to pick some leaves up and noticed when walking on the lawn it was quite 'bobbley', I jumped on a couple of spots and they seemed to compack down a little to a level it out, this i'm not to concered about. However I noticed one part that I walked on felt like I was walking on water bottle. I put a trowel through to see what it felt like and it feels like the turf I laid has formed a skin over the base layer, the soil under the turf is very wet and seems quite sloppy. Is their anything I can do about this?

    I'm thinking it will probably be best to stay off it until the drier weather comes then to lift that part of the lawn and compacted the soil abit more, is this the right train of thought?

    Thanks in advance!

  2. kindredspirit

    kindredspirit Gardening around a big Puddle. :)

    Nov 21, 2009
    Western Ireland (but in a cold pocket)
    Can't really help you but is this pic something like you've got?


    I'd be inclined to think that making drains might be a better way forward ? ? ?
  3. jennylyn

    jennylyn Gardener

    Jul 17, 2010
    Hi Jackjack,
    Squashy :)- well with all the rain we have had I am not surprised - I am sure it will dry day....! In the mean time try sparse 'deep spiking' with a fork' whilst the surface is so soft to see if it will drain. If not - yes, wait till we get better weather.
    I have similar problems with our lawn in parts, but unfortunately we also have squashy mud on the surface as we have been replacing the trellis & arches & have done too much walking on the soggy surface - just hoping that the grass will grow again one day WHEN spring arrives! :th_scifD36:
    have to admit tho' - am no lawn expert and do actually like squidgy soft mossy areas in the garden!:heehee:
  4. jackjack

    jackjack Apprentice Gardener

    Feb 18, 2011
    Thanks for the replies!

    The picture looks exactly like the problem I am having, but with two differences, the picture looks like a blister and is rasied with the water, mine is still flat. And of course mine problem is not nearly as bad as the picture hehe

    Jenny, i'll give deep folking a go, the lawn I dug up had a big issue with drainage, the soil under the grass was incredibly clay like, I'm guessing that with all the rain the water has soaked through all the new turf and top soil I top on and started to hit the clay like soil again which won't let it drain any further.


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