New lawn - to feed or not to feed?

Discussion in 'Lawns' started by Novice27, Oct 19, 2009.

  1. Novice27

    Novice27 Apprentice Gardener

    May 7, 2009

    My lawn (turf) is 6/7 months old â?? Generally speaking, I am very pleased with its condition.

    should I feed/fertilise the lawn ahead of winter?

    I purchased some Autumn lawn feed on Saturday and was about to crack-on when I read â??do not use unless lawn is 12 months oldâ??. Erring on the side of caution, I held off.

    The feed also contained moss killer so this may have been the problem? Would a straight forward autumn lawn feed be more suitable?


  2. Flinty

    Flinty Gardener

    May 19, 2008
    Hi Rob

    The addition of an autumn feed to lawns is, I suspect, a matter of personal preference among gardeners.

    There are gardeners who give their lawns an autumn feed as a matter of routine but I've only done it when my grass was looking particularly thin and "hungry". Most years, my lawn looks a bit tired by the end of the summer but that's to be expected. It'll perk up just fine when I give it a standard feed early next summer. What I'm saying is don't feel obliged to give your lawn an autumn feed if you're happy with its condition now.

    I suspect the inclusion of a moss killer is the only reason your fertiliser says it musn't be used on grass less than 12 months old. I can't think of any reason why you can't use a straight lawn fertiliser on your lawn if you want to. The question is - do you have moss in your lawn? If you don't have moss (lucky you!), you don't need a moss killer.
  3. Novice27

    Novice27 Apprentice Gardener

    May 7, 2009
    Many thanks - No moss yet so will go for a straight lawn fertilliser.

    Note your comments re preference but surely some feed will give it the best chance of coming out of winter looking good. A spring feed will perk it up regardless, as you say.

    Many thanks - Rob
  4. thomasstuart

    thomasstuart Apprentice Gardener

    Nov 11, 2009
    Hi all.
    I want to know how to remove extra grass around my lotus plant. It comes again and again.

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