New seeded lawn cover ?

Discussion in 'Lawns' started by fathimq1, May 22, 2010.

  1. fathimq1

    fathimq1 Apprentice Gardener

    May 22, 2010
    Hi all ,
    my first thread here
    I live in the middle east.
    about three weeks ago I began a small patch ( 3m x 5m) of grass seeds .
    since then its been really hot here and I almost gave up on my seeds ever germinating despite watering them frequently.
    they have , now started coming out .. thankfully.. and i am getting a a nicely developing young lawn . my question is .because of the searing hot sun during the day in this part of the world, will it be OK f I covered the lawn with some sort of semi transparent cover to try keep the moisture in and the burning rays of the sun off my new baby grass-lings and how long can i keep it without ruining my lawn.
  2. NeilC

    NeilC Gardener

    Aug 4, 2009
    I would certainly avoid any form of plastic as this will only make the area hotter. A material shade cover would certainly help but I would not lay it directly on the ground. Howver I think I would tend to leave it as it is and just make sure the area is well watered until the grass has been mown a few times. By then the roots will have taken a good enough hold to support the above ground part of the plant.
  3. fathimq1

    fathimq1 Apprentice Gardener

    May 22, 2010
    Thanks for your reply Neil , I have followed you advise and abandoned the covering idea .I did use a plastic cover for a while and sort of laid it over the ground on top . for a while i noticed that come after noon the area underneath it was still more moist than the uncovered areas , which were cracked from the dry heat . The grass , however has begun to dvelop crooked from the top due to the pressure and i think the heat is not doing them any good.
    it is quite still quite patchy and i am hoping it will fill out eventually.

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