New veg garden in front garden

Discussion in 'Edible Gardening' started by musicmaker, Jul 27, 2007.

  1. musicmaker

    musicmaker Apprentice Gardener

    Jul 26, 2007
    I am new to this board and new to growing veg in this climate. We are turning our front garden into a kitchen garden with vegetables, flowers, herbs and fruit. It has been an adventure because we are late for planting things I think, except maybe lettuces and quick crops although we do have two courgette plants that I started from seed in June which are fruiting now and some herbs and bush tomatoes. Do you have to start everything ahead of time in pots in a greenhouse before planting out? Have you all had luck just putting seeds direct into the ground? I don't think we will have a slug and snail problem because we used nemaslug a couple of weeks ago and are trying out that strulch mulch which supposedly they hate. I have not seen any out front at all and nothing has been eating the plants that I put out front last weekend. My basil plants seem to be all clear and growing away rapidly. We are both vegetarian so we are hoping to be as self-sustaining as possible considering our plot is only 15 feet x 20 feet. We are ordering a mini orchard using minarette trees in the fall which we plant to put along the fence between our neighbours and ourselves. It will be interesting to see what happens in any case and I think I will start a diary. Unfortunately, I am now home signed off work with a sprained knee and fractured wrist so my poor husband is going to have to plant out all the baby plants I started in our little greenhouse tomorrow. Hopefully, it will stay sunny. At least I can type with one hand, albeit slowly. It is rather boring because there is so much to do but I can't use my left hand. I look forward to making some new gardening friends and I must say that information I found on this board is really helpful.
  2. NewbieGreen

    NewbieGreen Gardener

    Jul 25, 2007
    Welcome musicmaker!

    I only joined myself yesterday [​IMG] It seems like a friendly bunch around here i'm sure you'll have a nice stay [​IMG]

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