Newbie edible gardener

Discussion in 'Edible Gardening' started by Louiseness, Aug 7, 2011.

  1. Louiseness

    Louiseness Gardener

    Aug 7, 2011
    Hi there everyone,

    I already made a quick intro thread on the new members forum but I thought that since I'm mostly interested in edible gardening I'd come and make a bit of a better intro post over here (if you guys don't mind too much!).

    Anyway, after living in a flat for a couple of years I was so excited to get a garden where I could finally grow things. However, my first personal garden turned out to be a decked yard in a terrace. So I've sort of thrown myself headfirst into trying to grow a mad mix of mostly edible things in containers.

    Before this I only ever managed to keep a cactus alive so it's very much trial and error! Not managed to grow a great deal this year due to only moving in and starting from scratch in May, but I've got overly ambitious plans for next year of course :D

    So if anyone has any advice on the things I want to grow or other stuff that could concievably work in containers (or the one really shady bed I have) it would be greatly appreciated.

    Here are a couple of pics of my garden as of today:


    A view from the house. We've got - a giant sunflower :D, potatoes in a bag, a chilli plant, the ends of a few green beans still trying to flower for me, raspberry canes (and a tub where I just sowed salad leaves), butternut squash and my herb and fruit corner.


    Bit of a different view. The purple and blue tubs are 40 and 60 litre plastic storage tubs, and seem to have worked pretty well so far as a bit of a Macguyver solution I think! Oh and you can see the only bed in my garden which is ridiculously shady and I've sort of optimistically planted a crown of rhubarb.


    The sunniest corner of the garden where my herbs and trees live. Mint, lavender, oregano, french tarragon, thyme, rosemary, sage and chives, plus a blackcurrant and blackberry bush, and two little plum and greengage saplings we got free from a friend two days ago :) Oh and a sneaky bonsai!

    If you got this far, thanks for reading and hopefully I'll be able to learn more from you guys!
  2. Phil A

    Phil A Guest

    Welcome to Gardeners Corner:)

    ARMANDII Low Flying Administrator Staff Member

    Jan 12, 2019
    Hi Louiseness, welcome to Gardeners Corner:D:thumbsup: We've got lots of gardeners on the Forum who are experienced at growing food and they'll be only too willing to give advice when needed.

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