Next years Plum and Cherry trees

Discussion in 'Trees' started by Jonnygardener, Aug 28, 2008.

  1. Jonnygardener

    Jonnygardener Gardener

    Aug 25, 2008
    Earlier this year I bought a new cherry tree and a new plum tree from a local well established garden centre. Both are self fertilising to help, and both originally stood about 4foot high (now about 4ft 6in)
    They were both planted about March/April and have taken well, the plum tree initially developed about 20 peanut sized fruit but with wind and rain I eventually only got about 8 grown to full term. Equally with the Cherry tree about 10 individual berries started off but I only actually got '1' that went to full term and became red (but on the morning I went to pick it like some sort of treasure a bird had stolen my prized booty first!!!). Still, I knew it was only the first year and wasn't really expecting too much.
    What can I do to improve yield for next year or will they naturally improve year-on-year, are there any particular feeds I should use or mulches (if so how do I make such mulch)

    Thanks again

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