Nice to be able to praise rather than moan about a company.

Discussion in 'General Gardening Discussion' started by silu, Jul 31, 2015.

  1. silu

    silu gardening easy...hmmm

    Oct 20, 2010
    I hope it's ok to give a pat on the back to a garden/plant supply company on here.

    I ordered various plants from a company called Crocus about 6 weeks ago. They are normally quite expensive to buy from but were having a sale of what I was looking for.
    The majority of my order was 100%, very very good plants and beautifully packaged. Delivery prompt, all good apart from 1 variety of Peony, which I was a little iffy about. I have a large collection of herbaceous, tree and intersectional Peonies and the last thing I would want would be to introduce Peony wilt to my garden.
    I decided to keep the Peony in it's pot and wait to see if it showed further signs of being unhealthy. Despite keeping it well watered the plant didn't pick up and I was dubious as to whether I should plant it or not.
    I contacted Crocus 2 days ago about the plant and was asked to forward some photos of it. I duly did this and today they have very promptly come back apologising and offering me a full refund for the plant.
    This I feel is very good customer service. I don't know for sure it is suffering from wilt but better to be safe than sorry and it is refreshing for a company to respond so quickly and offer a no quibble refund.
    Because of their good customer service I will be very likely to order from them in the future and feel it fair to the company to let other gardeners know it's an honourable business to having dealings with.
    • Informative Informative x 5
    • Friendly Friendly x 1
    • merleworld

      merleworld Total Gardener

      May 30, 2011
      I've used their website for years to plan what to plant where because their plant finder is very useful, but never bought off them until this year. You're right in that they aren't cheap, but I bought several hydrangeas off them (at 20% off) and they were all good, healthy plants, so I would definitely use them again :blue thumb:

      I will never understand why a lot of companies don't pay more attention to aftercare. If I have poor customer service I will never go back that company, whereas if it's good then I'll buy from them in future even if they are more expensive, because I feel more confident that if I have any issues they will sort them out without any quibbling. Someone once told me that you don't judge someone by the mistakes they make, but by how they rectify them and that's the mantra I live by.
      • Agree Agree x 2
      • Phil A

        Phil A Guest

        If you can, let them know they can put a free listing in our business directory :)

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