North facing front garden

Discussion in 'General Gardening Discussion' started by plantaholic, Apr 19, 2008.

  1. plantaholic

    plantaholic Gardener

    Aug 25, 2007
    Any suggestions please for plants for baskets, window boxes and containers for my shady front garden. Have got some nasturtiums I've grown from seed and some busy lizzie plugs coming along but would love some other ideas. A friend has told me fuscias grow in shady spots..but does this apply to all of them? Also grown lots of colourful coleus plants from seed..but think they need sun?? Help please!!
  2. elliegreenwellie

    elliegreenwellie Gardener

    Feb 5, 2007
    I would also be very interested in any replies. I have a courtyard which is entirely in the shade all day. I have found busy lizzies okay they take forever to flower though with no sun. Same with lobelias they last a long time at the end of the season and look really healthy but take forever to flower in the first place, Petunias seem to do okay but get a little leggy. I am just going to keep rotating this year with the ones on the patio so they all get a little sun at some point.
  3. plantaholic

    plantaholic Gardener

    Aug 25, 2007
    Think the idea of moving pots and baskets from a sunny site into the naff shady area is a good idea. At least that way there is more choice..just hope I can be bothered as the season progresses. Unless someone comes up with a better suggestion I'll follow your idea elliegreenwellie..thanks.
  4. wilroda

    wilroda Gardener

    Feb 20, 2008
    Fuschias do like shade, but also need some sun or they will become leggy.
    You could try Dahlias- but there again they need a bit of sun.Coleus flourish in shade so I would try them. remember to nip out any flowers that appear to prolong them though.
    There are some wonderful ferns around at the moment. Google "ursulas red" and "japanese painted" to name a couple.
    Or you could even introduce some tiny shrubs for the season. Cheap as chips at about 1.99 euonymous with the small variegated leaves would do the trick
    Hope this helps

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