As we're all a bit nervous about the ebola threat, I thought I'd attempt to lighten the mood by sharing some non-ebola thoughts. First of all. IS, or Islamic State. Seems they're sweeping through the middle east. Barak Obama has recently openly admitted that its going to be a long struggle, with 'setbacks'. I think he's making the understatement of the decade. IS is currently knocking on the door of Turkey, a NATO member state. This gives us a problem. The NATO rules say that if one member is attacked, all NATO members have to provide military support. That means if IS gets into Turkey, then we have to have a proper jolly old war. But enough on IS. What about China. Apparently the US are practicing for war against China. I don't know why. Perhaps because China is the new super power (assuming their military kit is built better than the stuff they sell us). Or maybe its because China is arguing with both Japan and the US at present over some disputed islands or something. It would be pretty crazy if the US were to pick a fight with China. That wouldn't end well. So that's the US, and realistically NATO, in a stand off on two fronts, each one individually enough to give us a headache. But what about Russia? They seem to have gone quiet as far as mainstream media is concerned, but I'm pretty sure we haven't all kissed and made up without me noticing. They always disapprove of any kind of NATO activity, so having a stand off on two fronts will be making them twitchy, especially when the stand off on one front is with one of their biggest trading partners, and even more especially when one of the stand offs is actually with them too. I think we're are living in 'interesting times' at present. Oh, and there's a spider going about around Sunderland, giving people necrotising fasciitis.