omo and daz

Discussion in 'Off-Topic Discussion' started by Lady Gardener, Jan 19, 2006.

  1. Lady Gardener

    Lady Gardener Gardener

    Oct 21, 2005
    OMO and DAZ
    are my cats.... 4 years old in february, they are also chalk and cheese; tho similar in markings, omo is a "boy" and daz is "aesthetic"
    Jan/feb they tend to act up a bit [they were neutered early on] but omo comes and "plonks" himself on my lap [i am ignored for 11 months of the year], he needs to be cuddled.
    Daz is a bit of a nervous creature,she will only come when called if and when it suits and at this time of the year is even more secretive,,,,, is it because of their hormones, or maybe they are meetin foxes/other cats when they go out on their daily patrol
  2. tigglestiggles

    tigglestiggles Apprentice Gardener

    Jan 20, 2006
    I so know what you mean, I have three cats two girls and a boy. At the moment they keep me awake (hubby can sleep through it - a mystery) by howling and scratching and jumping on me. They are all neutured.
    Buxton the boy is very detached at the moment, but spends most of his time in house - very unlike him usually he is the first out and last in.
    Amber cat despite being an old lady of 11 or 12(don't know for sure adopted her) is so playful and cheeky as if there is no tomorrow!

    Would really like to know what it is for them at this time of the year
  3. Honey Bee

    Honey Bee Gardener

    Nov 17, 2005
    Queen Bee
    Sunny South coast (well, it used to be......)
    My poor old cat Tigger passed away just over a year ago - just before her 20th birthday!!! :eek: Bless her.... She spent the last 7 or so years of her life tucked away in the airing cupboard round the back of the hot water tank....... just comming out for food and the litter tray..... but every now and then she'd come downstairs in the evening for a cuddle.....
  4. Marley Farley

    Marley Farley Affable Admin! Staff Member

    May 11, 2005
    Grandmother Gardener Councillor Homemaker
    Under the Edge Zone 8b
    [​IMG] Well we may be talking different animals, but I have a Springer Spaniel. I know they are "springy" by nature, but every year Jan/Feb time he is extra springy & bouncy. I have no idea why, but obviously there is something about this time of year..... Maybe something in the air................ :D Spring around the corner????? :confused:

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