On-line suppliers and quick growers?

Discussion in 'General Gardening Discussion' started by Jackcat, May 16, 2010.

  1. Jackcat

    Jackcat Apprentice Gardener

    May 9, 2010
    I hope this doesn't break any rules but I'm wondering if forum members can recommend to me budget, but reliable, on-line suppliers for bulbs, seeds, plugs, etc; also compost and topsoil in bulk. I'm having fun wth my new hobby but skint and don't drive!

    Also, what climbing and ground cover plants grow very quickly? I'm hoping they will help me get rid of the weeds that are plaguing my new, but previously neglected, garden.

    Apologies for duplicate posting but I think I did it wroing first time!


  2. ClaraLou

    ClaraLou Total Gardener

    Aug 12, 2009
    Hi there Jackcat

    I'm always slightly nervous of recommending suppliers, just in case things don't work out, but J Parker Dutch Bulbs http://www.jparkers.co.uk/ is a reasonably priced firm which sells not just bulbs but a selection of shrubs, climbers and perennials as well. As far as shrubs go, it generally supplies small plants - as you'd expect for the relatively modest prices.

    This year I ordered for the first time from Jackson's Nurseries http://www.jacksonsnurseries.co.uk/ and found it to be both very good and modestly priced. It lists a fairly good selection of shrubs and perennials.

    I've never ordered compost etc online - but no doubt someone can suggest a supplier!

    As far as fast-growing plants go, be careful what you wish for. There is nothing worse than some botanical thug or other taking over your whole garden. Russian vine, for example, will certainly oblige by climbing all over the place in a remarkably short time, but you will probably rue the day you planted it very quickly and so will your neighbours. Clematis montana is a vigorous, fast-growing climber which looks very pretty when in flower (it's in bloom now) and can be kept in check with a decent haircut every so often. It needs to be supported. It does, however, look rather scraggy in the winter.

    As far as ground cover goes, hardy geraniums (cranesbills) are very easy to grow and their spreading mounds of leaves tend to suppress weeds. I have Geranium macrorrhizum growing in an awkward space where nothing much else will thrive. It comes in magenta, pink and white forms and blooms from May to July. Bees seem to like it. The leaves are described as 'aromatic when crushed'. I think they pong a bit. :hehe:
  3. Sussexgardener

    Sussexgardener Gardener

    Oct 13, 2008
    West Sussex
    Have a look in the retailer feedback section further down the forum for a few recommendations.

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