Onion sets???

Discussion in 'Edible Gardening' started by xNattyx, Jan 6, 2010.

  1. xNattyx

    xNattyx Gardener

    Nov 20, 2009
    Hi i brought some onion sets today as they were only 50p the only thing they have sprouted what do i do with them plant them they are white onions and suppoosed to sow Autumn. i also got some red ones but they havent sprouted do i leave them till later in the year. i also got garlic sets they have sprouted a bit do i wait till spring to plant them? any advice would be great thanks
  2. Bunslip

    Bunslip Gardener

    Feb 4, 2007
    Hi Natty, the autumn ones might be japanese onion sets as these are supposed to be planted in september and then they overwinter and are ready June (I think). No idea what the red ones are!!! Spose you could plant some now and some in spring to hedge your bets!? Best of luck! B
  3. seedstotal

    seedstotal Gardener

    Aug 10, 2009
    can plant them if you can in this weather, but as they not established they might get frost bitten later on,
    or wait a few more weeks, but make sure you store them in a cool dry place,
    its a hard one since when they start sprouting they get soggy and all that, not in season, thats why they were only 50p i guess
    good luck
  4. Alice

    Alice Gardener

    Feb 24, 2006
    Hi Natty, you can plant your garlic anytime between now and March - although November gives the best results.
    If the weather is against planting then you can plant them in individual pots in the greenhouse and set them out later. Alternatively you can just plant them in a large container about 4" apart each way. Mine do fine like that.
    They do need a winter to split into cloves. If they don't get it they just make 1 big bulb, but it's usable.
    If you are putting them in the ground, if it is very wet pull the earth up into ridges - like for ridging up potatoes - and plant the garlic into the top of the ridges. This helps with drainage.
    I hope you get a great crop come July.

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