Orchid treatment.

Discussion in 'Tropical Gardening' started by Kitte, Oct 10, 2023.

  1. Kitte

    Kitte Gardener

    May 17, 2022
    South Leicestershire
    I would just like to draw the attention of you orchid lovers to some YouTube videos I have been finding very useful recently.

    They are called Happiness Garden and are from somewhere in the far east, all about orchids and how to treat them. Filmed with no narrative, just lovely music, with a pair of very nimble hands, that care for the plants. She shows in the various films how to make many concoctions of orchid feed; rice and yeast water, which is the one I have done, is very simple. Many variations, today I saw her revive a broken off stump with two manky leaves. She made a cloves and garlic liquid, cut off the end of the stump and sealed it with cinnamon ! She then teased out a cotton wool ball into a wick, wound it round the stump and rested it on the edge of a jar with the wick in the water. A month later, there were new roots shooting out of the stump, after which she potted it up and thoroughly soaked the pot in her clove and garlic juice.
    I have started to wipe my leaves in the yeast and rice water and soaking in same, so we shall see what happens !

    Please try to find the videos, you will enjoy them !
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