:lollol:Rosa, We had to stand him in luke warm water till they melted so he wouldnt get chill blanes. Its ashame they dont make dog wellies. The scruffy devil gets his Christmas hair do on Tuesday.:thmb: 02
Aawww what a sweetie 02... :wink: How about these 02...??!! http://www.caninespirit.co.uk/master_products/grip-trex-boots-set-of-2 http://www.canineconcepts.co.uk/cat--Footwear--dog-boot---dogs?gclid=CMLO45v-554CFV2X2AodwGKmYQ
Mings actually a he ( just photographed at the wrong angle):lollol: He wouldnt get lost in the snow at the momment Rodders while he's a mucky Ming.:hehe: He has his momments Woo, we love him.:thmb: Wow Marley would you believe they make boots for dogs, well I never. Whatever next, designer gear for pets.:dh:
Your right there fmay he would go without a meal rather than a walk. he's 6years old now. When we got him he was 18months and had never been out off the house.:( 02