Mrs M said to me today,'I was overdoing it'. Not the sex n drugs n Rock n Roll, Folks ,, I was overdoing the Showering. I shower and wash my hair every morning, and have done for most of my life,I think it started when I was in the Navy. According to Mrs M, she heard a doctor on one of these Radio Phone In things say, 'Too much washing/showering hair, washes the natural skin oil from the scalp and could cause hair to thin and baldness'. As I say, I have washed and showered my hair very regular,and I still have a full head of hair . Says Him who finds all his hair laying on his pillow tomorrow morning.. Is Doctor Blah Blah talking a lot of Bull? Or is there some credence to his statement. What do you think.?.
I first noticed I was going bald when it was taking me longer to wash my face in the morning Saved an absolute fortune in gels and brushes over the last twenty years.....
I have a bath & hair wash every morning & a shower in the evenings, hair not falling out, only four grey hairs which are removed very quickly when noticed! If I don't wash my hair everyday it gets really greasy & looks awful
I shower and wash my hair every day. Let if dry in my atmosphere without driers. I have been told not to wash my hair every day but do not listen. Checking for a bald spot now but can't find one.....yet..... Really, when you think about it, we go from digging in dirt to washing washing washing. Gardeners are a strange lot
I think much depends on your genetic make up and not how often you wash your hair! Some people have oilier heads than average; some have drier than average; some are just ... average!
I had a bald spot that i fixed with a daily programme of regaine hair stimulant. I think i got the dosage instructions a bit mixed up though.?