Overhaul Help for complete novice

Discussion in 'General Gardening Discussion' started by booboo, Mar 12, 2011.

  1. booboo

    booboo Apprentice Gardener

    Mar 12, 2011
    Hi, i am soon to be moving to a house with a long narrow garden, i haven't actually seen it yet as my partner is the one who is sorting out all the paperwork regarding the house which is 200 miles away.

    From what i can gather, the lawn is on one level with no steps anywhere, but it is split into 3 sections.

    The first part she said was some sort of woodchip, which i asume is the type of stuff commonly found in childrens play areas, the second is concrete slabs, and finally a small bit of grass.

    As we have a 1 yr old, we was hoping for a nice garden for him to play in especially as the summer is coming up.

    I was thinking about ripping up everything and turfing the lot, however as i've never really done any sort of gardening before i was hoping for some helpful advise on things to look out for, tips on doing it properly or better, cost cutting, any general advise at all will be incredibly helpful.

    Thank you

    ARMANDII Low Flying Administrator Staff Member

    Jan 12, 2019
    Hi Booboo, welcome to Gardeners Corner. I think you, yourself, need to see the garden first hand before deciding whether or not to dig everything all up or just partially. Because your 1 year old isn't going to want to wait around for a grass seeded plot to grow I would suggest you turf a section nearest to the house for convenience as a play area.
    Then when you've got your breath back from the move take your time to decide what you're going to do with the rest of it. Since whatever you do in the garden has long term effects I wouldn't be in a rush to do all things in a "day", the more you get it right, in your own and partners eyes, the more you'll enjoy it. Good luck.
  3. clueless1

    clueless1 member... yep, that's what I am:)

    Jan 8, 2008
    I have no advice about the most effective way to make it all lawn, but as the dad of a 2 year old, I think there is more to a kid's garden than lawn. Kids love to explore. A big lawn is great for kicking a ball about, but one part of the lawn is pretty much the same as every other part, so to a small kid, it's not that stimulating.

    You said the garden is currently in three sections. Is that something you could work with rather than blitzing the lot? You could maybe have little archways and even 'tunnels' (actually overground ones made of willow or something) between each section, and different things to discover in each section.

    Of course its your choice what you do with the garden, I would second Armandii's advice too, its amazing how fast time slips by when you've just moved house, and I'm pretty sure that no matter how nice the house is, you will find a million and one jobs to do once you move in, so the bit at a time strategy is definitely to be recommended.

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