Overwintering dahlias

Discussion in 'Gardening Discussions' started by Robert Bowen, Jun 11, 2024.

  1. Robert Bowen

    Robert Bowen Gardener

    Jun 9, 2024
    I just thought i would share a tip that has worked 100% in the past few years. I grow dahlias in pots outside but have lost lots of plants over the winter months with the traditional storage methods of lifting etc.
    What i now do is cut to ground level after frost as normal and remove from the pots . I grow tomatoes in large pots in an unheated greenhouse . The tomato plants are dug out at least a month before the dahlias need to be stored and the compost has chance to dry out nicely so those pots are prepared and ready in good time.I transfer the lifted tubers into the tomato pots and cover with the spent tomato compost and leave them in the greenhouse all winter . I dont water them at all , the growing medium holds enough moisture for the needs of the dormant dahlias.
    In March i start to check for signs of new growth and at the first sign of new life all the pots come out of the greenhouse , watered and left in a sheltered spot in the open air and then repotted in fresh compost when i am ready.
    This has worked a treat for 3 winters and i havent had a single tuber rot or fail. Its a bit fiddly but its been worth the effort.
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