Ozzy got the "snip"

Discussion in 'Pets Corner' started by "M", Nov 25, 2012.

  1. "M"

    "M" Total Gardener

    Aug 11, 2012
    The Garden of England
    On Friday, Ozzy had to have the obligatory castration :whistle:

    Poor mite came home looking very, very sorry for himself (still half drugged; totally expected).

    Yesterday, still a bit woozy, but eating (not drinking much though :dunno: ); totally expected.

    Today, seems much more "himself"; too much so. He's not supposed to run around "return to regular exercise" for the next week ... someone must have forgotten to tell *him* that :wallbanging: I've tried walking him around the garden on a lead to do his "business" but today that is a non-starter - we're back to being pulled around the garden :nonofinger:

    But, it *is* only the garden, so, anyone know ... his little sprints of excitement ... will they do any harm? :noidea:
  2. Jiffy

    Jiffy The Match is on Fire

    Aug 25, 2011
    Retired Next To The Bonfire in UK
    I'm not coming to your house now.
    Any way we blokes know what it feels like, when you slip on a 5 bar gate and sit on them :hate-shocked::hate-shocked::ouch1::rolleyespink::ouch1::hapfeet:"busted":eeew::snork:

    If you see bulls being castrated it will bing tears to are eyes :yikes: how it's done :hate-shocked:
    • Like Like x 2
    • "M"

      "M" Total Gardener

      Aug 11, 2012
      The Garden of England
      :heehee: That's funny!

      Ozzy did far better than Mr Mum: when he went for the snip, he was 2nd in .... but, he didn't come out for aaaaages :hate-shocked:

      When he did - so unlike the previous "men" - he was wheeled out, on a bed, with a nurse stroking his hand, him looking like he'd loss a dear one and nursey promising him a cuppa!!! :roflol:

      Do come for a visit, Jiffy; I don't castrate visitors ... unless you are a burglar? Then you would leave a Eunoch ;)
      • Like Like x 2
      • Jiffy

        Jiffy The Match is on Fire

        Aug 25, 2011
        Retired Next To The Bonfire in UK
        Hope both of them feel better soon (Ozzy & Mr mum), i know what it's like :hate-shocked:
        • Like Like x 1
        • "M"

          "M" Total Gardener

          Aug 11, 2012
          The Garden of England
          Mr Mum is many, many years down the line now ... but, I don't think he's forgiven me :heehee:
        • Marley Farley

          Marley Farley Affable Admin! Staff Member

          May 11, 2005
          Grandmother Gardener Councillor Homemaker
          Under the Edge Zone 8b
          I think all you can do Mum is just try & keep Ozzy as calm as possible & try not to let him jump up at all & stop him pulling.. Four feet on the ground as much as possible & he should be ok... :SUNsmile:
          • Like Like x 1
          • "M"

            "M" Total Gardener

            Aug 11, 2012
            The Garden of England
            Thank you, MF. I discourage jumping up as a matter of course; he's a big boy and I'm only short :heehee:

            He's back to the vets tomorrow so they can check he's doing ok. Think I need to take a bucketful of treats with me to persuade him to go in; they had to muzzle him before they could even get near him on Friday :dunno: With me he's like a cuddly teddy bear. It was quite embarassing to see them all back away when I went to get him out of recovery :redface:

            He must have guessed what they were going to do to him ;)
          • "M"

            "M" Total Gardener

            Aug 11, 2012
            The Garden of England
            Today, as a result of my vet visit on Friday, I got a phone message from the Dogs Trust; the vet had spoken to the DT Manager and raised concerns about Ozzy's "behaviour problems" :hate-shocked: :noidea:

            After several return messages and a five hour wait for a response from the person who left the message, it seems a game of Chinese Whispers has been taking place which resulted in their concerns regarding Ozzy's "aggression" problem!!!!?

            (What "aggression" problem???) :noidea:

            When we took him to the vet on Friday, it was the same vet we'd seen at the gates of the DT the day we were adopting him. So, mutual acquaintance.

            In response to her question: "how's he settling in?" I'd said funtastic and recounted the (to us!) funny story of Ozzy's first few days - this entailed the funny (to us!) tale of how ds17yo had spent a night in the sitting room because *he* was too scared to pass Ozzy - who was resting in his - locked! - crate (Ozzy's "safe" place). This was very funny because ds is a very intelligent young man, but couldn't get his head around the fact the dog was *locked* in his crate and he could have passed at any point! (This was also in the first day or two of having Ozzy?) I even said it was a reflection on my son and not Ozzy.

            Well, because the vet had to muzzle Ozzy (look, the dog is one year old - left it's mother at 8 weeks; spent 6 months with one owner; 3 months with another; a month at the DT and has only been with us a matter of weeks; then gets taken to an unknown building and taken away from me ... what did they expect??) and she then coupled it with our recounting of the episode with ds ... she has reported Ozzy as having an aggression problem :wallbanging:

            He doesn't!!

            She has translated our little "funny incident" tale into: the dog was aggressive to their son to the point where they had to buy a crate to keep them seperated; plus, he showed signs of aggression at our surgery so we had to muzzle him. :wallbanging:

            No! We bought a crate *before* we brought Ozzy home, simply so Ozzy had his own "safe" place. The episode with ds was merely a funny story!!

            I'm left feeling that I haven't bought a dog to rehome, but that I've "borrowed" a dog who is going to be constantly monitored!

            Thank goodness my own vet (not of English birth!) has a far better grasp of English humour and knows my history with animals!! Thus, I don't have to re-visit the DT's vet who clearly doesn't understand the difference between recounting a funny tale and highlighting an "issue".

            Mind you, I may need a trip back there because the nurse who did his post-op thinks his scrotum is a little swollen/on the large size ... blimey, she should have seen it *before* he had his testicles removed .. that was BIG!!

            Now it is positively bereft!

            Just for the record: as I type, my aggressive dog is laying on eyeing my feet, under my desk, licking mauling my toes ;)

            If I had imagined that we would be given this scrutiny and level of misinterpretation, I would have thought twice before rehoming a rescue dog! My own vet does not share these concerns (but then, I've known him for a number of years and he has dealt with all my animals, in health and in death).
          • Victoria

            Victoria Lover of Exotic Flora

            Jun 9, 2006
            Lady of Leisure
            Messines, Algarve
            I am SO loving this ...

            After me taking birth control pills for 14 years because t'other half didn't want children, our doc told him it was about time he took some responsibility if HE didn't want children so he should have the snip. Doctor said it could be done quickly in the surgery ... t'other half said 'no way' so had to go to the private hospital in Princes Risborough. It was 'done' under general anaesthetic by t'other half's choice and I went to pick him up .... in my Healey sports car ... :loll: ... he was NOT amused ... neither was he when we got home and his best friend had left a copy of Hustler for him to read in his relaxation ... :loll:

            To this day I still find it funny ... and that was in about 1982 ... :loll:
            • Like Like x 2
            • "M"

              "M" Total Gardener

              Aug 11, 2012
              The Garden of England
              :roflol::roflol: :roflol:

              That is very funny V!

              Mr Mum was very miffed: apparently, someone at work boasted that they went fishing a few hours after his. Mr Mum was soooooo disappointed that he didn't come out with a fishing rod and the "knowledge" - thought it was part of the bargain!
              • Like Like x 2
              • kazzie_SE

                kazzie_SE Gardener

                Jun 28, 2012
                East Sussex
                When Abi was spayed she was docile for the rest of the day. We put a gate up so that she wouldn't attempt going upstairs. The next day she was full of beans and there was no way she was understanding the 'take it easy' instruction. I hope Ozzy settles down a bit following the op... many dogs do become less dominant. He sounds like an absolute darling who has landed himself a good, caring home x
                • Like Like x 1
                • **Yvonne**

                  **Yvonne** Total Gardener

                  Jun 24, 2012
                  Hi Mum
                  Only just seen this thread, I hope Ozzy is right as rain now. I suspect the DT vet has a 'glass half empty' approach due to the amount of negative experiences they have to deal with. It might seem too much to hope to them that a rescue dog could re-homed successfully :huh: Such a shame but you are already proving them wrong so try and put it behind you x

                  I've had two calls from the rescue centre I adopted from, first to see if Megan has settled in and the second to see if I help them out by doing a home check in my local area!
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