Package Holidays: The seeds that will bring the taste of a Continental getaway to your plate

Discussion in 'Gardening News RSS Feeds' started by - Gardening RSS Feed, Feb 2, 2014.

  1. - Gardening RSS Feed

    - Gardening RSS Feed Guest

    In the middle of the night, hidden beneath the covers, I start laughing at the idea of anyone else finding out what I'm Googling. No, I'm not funding the dark web, I'm not streaming illegal stuff of any kind, I'm not even shopping for kittens; I'm soothing my troubled insomniac brow on, gazing at things formerly only purchasable in French supermarkets, now brought all the way across the Channel to my London front door – with no delivery charge on orders of more than £35. (More than £35? Pah. I can spend over £35 on biscuits alone in a French supermarket.)

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