Hi all I germinated parsnip seeds in he heated propergator and I have sown them in the allotment the concern I have is that they have gon.e from.being nice and warm.in the heated propergator to direct soil temperature. Have others had success with this method or should I have hardened them off and if so how would you do that. There are still some that haven't germinated yet so I guess I could do something different with those I welcome your thoughts and comments, by the way I had no successes with parsnip germination last year old seed perhaps Thanks, nice weather Dave
I pre chit my parsnip seed in the greenhouse on damp kitchen paper in a tupperware box. I use no heat and plant out as soon as chitted. It has worked well for me in the past so see no reason to change now. Your parsnips may be OK David but it might be worth having a backup plan just in case? Cheers Vince
Cheers Vince I am away for a couple of days so I will sort what I can when I am back in the mean time I have covered the ones I planted m with some fleece. I did some in toilet rolls and some of those have germinsted so they have gone in as well. Thanks Dave