Patio pear

Discussion in 'Edible Gardening' started by Rick, Aug 14, 2011.

  1. Rick

    Rick Apprentice Gardener

    Aug 7, 2011
    [​IMG] Patio pear
    I have a four year old "Terrace Pearl" in an 18" terra-cotta pot - the tree itself is about four feet tall. This year it has produce a good amount of fruit but almost all of it is either split or showing signs of doing so; there is no sign of scab on the leaves or the fruits. I've watered it every day in dry weather - approx half a gallon each time - and I feed once a week with tomato food.

    Any ideas please?
  2. Spruce

    Spruce Glad to be back .....

    Apr 10, 2009

    It sound if you have pear scab , it probably effected the blossom so thats how early it starts and got into the fruit at the start of the spring (fungal disease) lives on the old leaves and the actual stems of the plant as you know already

    In the autumn clear away all the leaves around the pot and give the outside of the pot a good scrub to get rid of all the moss etc I would probably top dress the soil removing about a inch and the re-dress with fine grit .

    You can spray , but what you can get hold of now I dont know
    Mancozeb I used to use but so many have been with drawn thats why I end up using a rose spray , even the good old tar wash that was sprayed in the winter all have gone :cry3:


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