Pergola Planting

Discussion in 'General Gardening Discussion' started by Jupes, Jul 11, 2011.

  1. Jupes

    Jupes Gardener

    Jul 10, 2011

    We have just put up a pergola in a south west facing corner of our garden with some paving below, the childrens wendy house used to be here and they have now outgrown it!

    I have bought an Exochorda x macrantha 'the bride' to train against the fence at the back of the pergola. On the left side, there is a Buddleia which will hang over, it is now 3 years old and a weigela and carpenteria californica on the right hand side along with perennials.

    I have already bought a Clematis Montana Tetrarose which I intend to put on one of the back posts so that it can also spread along the fence panels and our neighbours garage (OK with them) and have bought honeysuckles, serotina and graham thomas for the front posts.

    I want to add in some other climbers to give interest for most of the year. What would you suggest please?

    Also, the paving. This is a beigy yorkstone which is laid in rows of 5,4,5,4,etc leaving planting holes down the sides. We are intending to fill the sides with grey slate and a top scattering of pebbles and I want to include some fairly low plants in the spaces where there are 4 paving stones. I am thinking blue festuca and a green grass of similar height to go with it.

    Any suggestions on which green grass? Or, any alternative ideas please.

    Many, many thanks for any suggestions.
  2. Jupes

    Jupes Gardener

    Jul 10, 2011

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