Phone Scam

Discussion in 'Off-Topic Discussion' started by Phil A, Feb 10, 2011.

  1. Phil A

    Phil A Guest

    Had a call from an Indian sounding woman yesterday, pretending to be from Orange.

    She had a few of my details, postcode, name etc. She asked what phone handset I was using & got my usual reply of "I don't know"

    She said someone would ring me tommorow to discuss my best deals for my contract.

    I was suspicious sp when this number came up, 01952 607595, I googled it,

    Its now on my phone as "scam" & i'm waiting till i've had a few drinks before answering it, they've called 3 times so far, but not been drunk enough to give them a run for their money.
  2. clueless1

    clueless1 member... yep, that's what I am:)

    Jan 8, 2008
    A while ago I kept getting calls from some African country. I don't know what they were up to because I couldn't understand them. After telling them repeatedly I wasn't interested, the last time they called I just said "Look, it is costing you a fortune to phone a mobile at international rates, I'm just going to run your credit out". I left the call connected for the rest of the night (if you phone some mobiles, it is the recipient that closes the call rather than the caller, so even if they hang up if I don't, they're still connected - mine was one such phone). I just left my phone open on the side while I sat down and enjoyed some beers. Funnily enough that was the last time they did it.

    One word of warning, if you get a dodgy call, NEVER PRESS ANYTHING, except maybe end-call. There are phone scams out there where if they convince you to type certain codes, then you effectively reverse the charge and go onto a premium rate.
  3. Chopper

    Chopper Do I really look like a people person?

    Mar 18, 2009
    Seal Clubber
    Ilminster, SOMERSET
    If there is one thing guaranteed to upset me, 100% certain, it is somebody phoning either my mobile or my landline to try and sell me something. Especially if they are foreigners that cannot speak English.

    I pay a monthly fee for my mobile on contract. I pay for an ex directory landline. I am careful who I give my number to. As I pay for the phones, I strongly object to anybody using my phone as a means to either hassle me or try to sell me something that I do not want. (If I want to buy something, I am perfectly capable of finding a supplier myself. On principal I will not under any circumstances buy anything from any company that has cold called me).

    Both of my phones are for MY personal use. They are not an extension of any trashy companys' sales office. I take great delight in being extremely rude and offensive to any cold callers. The amount of times I have been busy doing something and some ignorant non English speaking person has called to try and sell me something... INSTANT VOLCANIC RESPONSE!!!

    One cheeky swine had his office manager call me to complain about me being rude to him. The obnoxcious twit got a lot more than he bargained for. Said he was going to report me to the police, I told him to go ahead. Never heard another word about it.

    Any time I get junk mail through the post, I save it all up until I get one of those with a reply envelope and then send the whole lot to them.

  4. Phil A

    Phil A Guest

    There is some sort of code on the envelopes that lets them know who sent it Chopper.

    Had a guy from Merrionedd district council round about something & he asked why I had sent him a cabbage leaf.

    ARMANDII Low Flying Administrator Staff Member

    Jan 12, 2019
    I like your attitude, Chopper! Most of the companies I worked for were 24/7 and I was vulnerable to being called anytime, day or night. I had a company phone and personal phone and eventually was getting business calls on both. I hated it, especially when some idiot rang at 2 or 3 O'clock in the morning with some question that could have waited until the morning. I don't think they thought a manager was human and actually slept!!
    When I retired in May last year the company phone was given back and I renewed my personal phone and number and only gave it my friends. Having said that one of my friends still working for the company gave my number to one of the Directors. I can't say I was best pleased when I got a call from him wanting to talk shop! I'm changing the number again! I don't answer the landline, I let the answer phone handle it and if I recognize the voice I'll pick up. I won't waste my time with people trying to sell me stuff. If I get a door salesman I just tell them I don't make doorstep decision and they rapidly lose interest as they want an immediate result. I love it when a cold call engages the answer phone because I know it's costing them with a zero result!!
  6. Pixie

    Pixie Gardener

    Aug 23, 2010
    Whilst out to lunch today with colleagues, one of the girls mobile kept ringing and it was a foreign lady who was supposedly from her mobile phone company, but she was asking details about her contract, which surely they should already know if they were from the same mobile phone company. Needless to say she disconnected the call, but these are regular calls and she is starting to get sick of it.

    I've had a phone call from a foreign lady who asked me if i would like to pay my phone bill, she kindly offered to take the payment if i could pay her with a credit card... Er no thank you.
  7. music

    music Memories Are Made Of This.

    Jun 14, 2009
    A Little Bit Of This And A Little Bit Of That.
    This is Not A Scam Just Plain Stupidity. I received a Political Pamphlet Today From A Person Who is asking me (By Political Promises ,How his party is going to change the country ) ,to vote for him .
    the pamphlet goes on asking for input , get involved etc (the usual garbage) . the pamphlet goes on >>
    once you have completed the form overleaf please follow these instructions to make sure we receive your questionaire. it is an open freepost pamphlet and they would require my name,address,postcode,telephone number, Email ,and please return ( THAT WILL BE RIGHT!!!!).
    And he wont be getting My Vote !!!!.
  8. takemore02withit

    takemore02withit Gardener

    Apr 8, 2008
    HERE HERE Chopper, Im with you all the way. Im ex directory so if they call me they get a hard time:mad:
  9. clueless1

    clueless1 member... yep, that's what I am:)

    Jan 8, 2008
    Just to be fair, the people that actually do the calling are being paid a pittance and have to try their best to sell you something otherwise initially they just don't get paid much, and if they keep failing they get shown the door.

    The way I deal with cold callers is to simply hang up as soon as I realise they are trying to sell me something. I don't say goodbye, or soory not interested or anything. I just hang up. That way hardly any of my time is wasted, and they get to move onto the next poor soul on their list, and just maybe the might get enough sales to save their job and pay the mortgage that month.

    It's those further up the chain that I'm annoyed at. They're the ones that heartlessly order their minions to interupt people's tea time.

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