pickled tomatoes??

Discussion in 'Edible Gardening' started by lazy-gardener, Aug 17, 2006.

  1. lazy-gardener

    lazy-gardener Gardener

    Mar 2, 2006
    I was going down memory lane yesterday and remembered that my nan used to have tomatoes bottled in vinegar. I was only very small so cant even remember what they tasted like but thought I would bottle a small jar and see what i think. Does anyone have any idea how i would do it though? I havent got a clue
  2. clear skies

    clear skies Apprentice Gardener

    Aug 16, 2006
    You need 1kg firm cherry tomatoes; 10-12 mint or basil leaves; enough cider or distilled malt vinegar to cover.
    Prick the tomatoes with a cocktail stick in several places. Arrange in a sterilised jar with the mint or basil leaves. Pour in the vinegarmaking sure it covers the tomatoes by a couple of cm. Make sure there are no air pockets. Seal with vinegar proof lid. Ready in 4-6 weeks but improve with longer keeping (up to a year)Good luck and enjoy!!
  3. lazy-gardener

    lazy-gardener Gardener

    Mar 2, 2006
    Brilliant! thanks for that. am going to make some cider vinegar with all the tiny apples from the tree
  4. timecharger

    timecharger Gardener

    Mar 28, 2006
    how do you make cider vinegar please, lazy gardener?

    cheers in advance...
  5. rosietutu

    rosietutu Gardener

    Feb 12, 2005
    Poole Dorset
    Re memory lane and tomatoes we did not have such a thing as cherry tomatoes!A recent invention methinks altho I personally love them which I suppose is what keeps the price up in the supermarkets Next year I shall grow some Sungolds which my daughter grows in hanging baskets Geoff Hamilton voted those the best and the sweetest money could buy or you to grow so it is a couple of growbags on the patio for me next year...PS I always buy Cider Vinegar it is quite cheap...
  6. lazy-gardener

    lazy-gardener Gardener

    Mar 2, 2006
    making cider vinegar

    have never made it but now i have a recipe i shall.

    waste apples and cores
    water to cover

    scrub the apples. use organic if at all possible .

    peel and core the apples. you can use any varieties but as each type gives a slightly different flavour it may be best to stick to one type.

    use the apple flesh as you wish but put the peel and cores into a wide mouthed jar or similar and cover with water. cover and put in a warm place to ferment. it works best with peel and core from at least a dozen apples. if you use much less add 1/4 cup apple juice and bit less water.

    taste every few days and stir to aerate.remove froth as it ferments. the taste will develop gradually and will lose its cloudiness.when its to your taste strain into large bowl/jar.

    pour the majority into a bottle and label. once its reached its full vinegar taste it it stabilizes and should not deteriorate.

    use a small part of the vinegar as a mother and add peel and water every now and again until you are ready to make more.

    as i said I havent done it but it seems easy enough. It doesnt say if the fruit peel has to be tatally submerged or not but I have some little plastc things with points on from lakeland that i will put on top so all the fruit is submerged so there will be no chance it will go mouldy.

    it seems fairly straightforward
  7. smokeytoes

    smokeytoes Apprentice Gardener

    Aug 19, 2006
    Hey the pickled toms are fantastic I did them last year for the first time, you leave the calyx on the fruit and you dont have to use al red toms you can mix them or just do green red or yellow whatever takes your fancy, but dont eat the calyx, just hang on to that with your pinkies,and bite the tom off,great grub.

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