Planning for 2016.

Discussion in 'General Gardening Discussion' started by NCFCcrazy, Sep 6, 2015.

  1. NCFCcrazy

    NCFCcrazy Super Gardener

    May 2, 2012
    Bored office monkey
    Norwich, Norfolk
    Can't believe that we are at the point of planning for next year already!

    What plans do you have?
    What's on your 'to buy' list?
    What worked and didn't this year?

    I have decided that my Day lilies and Persicaria need to come out, they have got a bit out of hand and have crowded out some of my favourites. This will give other plants a bit more room to grow.

    Going to treat myself to a tree fern, waiting for the sales though[emoji2]

    My Bergamot looked great, looking a bit tired now but have cut then back and hoping for a second flush. Pond is looking good but need to move some of the plants.

    My Ginger finally flowered and I have a nice juicy flower buds on my Waterlily. Wasn't expecting any flowers on the waterlily this year so I'm really pleased.

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    • joolz68

      joolz68 Total Gardener

      May 16, 2011
      alfreton uk
      Hi,just divide your day lilys maybe,my ginger hasnt flowered this yr yet :sad: My brugmansia are slow too its not been the best summer for me.
      Im hoping to erect a bigger greenhouse soon if i can get enough time off work which will help towards starting plants/seeds off in spring.not sure which yet i tend to pick seeds over winter when im bored :heehee:
      I bought a small tree fern from B&Q for £40 and i hope i can keep it alive over winter :frown:
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      • Anthony Rogers

        Anthony Rogers Guest

        I think you should just divide your Day Lilies and Persicaria and just replant smaller portions. Perhaps you could sell the unused ones through your local newspaper or give them away. Another idea is to pot them up and take them to a charity shop for them to sell. I recently bought 6 Hellebore Orientalis for 30p each from one of ours and can't wait to see what colours they are.

        For next year my main plan of action is to get some colour for around the end of May and June as this year there was a definite lull between the end of the spring plantings and the start of the summer ones.

        I already have a loaf of seeds for next year but am always on the look out for more :)
        But, the highlight of my year is coming up in the next couple of months...... Next years Fuchsia Catalogues :) :) :)
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        • HarryS

          HarryS Eternally Optimistic Gardener

          Aug 28, 2010
          I start planning around November , but I do keep a wish list over the year . I jot down quite a lot off ideas from here.
          Failures - Gazania failed to flower 90% . Unbelievably one off my favourites for performance over 10 years - Thunbergia - was pathetic. Dichondra silver falls was a very very slow grower.
          Success - Charlies Angels SPs :dbgrtmb: Fuchsias , got a lot off ideas and know how from the Fuchsia thread :blue thumb:
        • Anthony Rogers

          Anthony Rogers Guest

          I forgot to say about my failures, si here goes.....

          Impatiens Balsamina Tom Thumb, didn't have single flower in the ones I kept indoors so have thrown them as they were just getting on my nerves. However the 2 my mum had have just got a little hint of flower buds.

          Annuals have come to nowt but I think that was because it was too hot for them during May/June.

          The only other disappointment was the 3 Roses we bought from B&Q. Can't remember their names at the moment but there was a white, a salmon and an orange and they've all turned out the same red Rose.
          We were already heavy on red ones, having 3 now we've got 6 of 'em :(
        • NCFCcrazy

          NCFCcrazy Super Gardener

          May 2, 2012
          Bored office monkey
          Norwich, Norfolk
          That's VERY annoying, I feel your pain, had similar experience with some clematis. Bought a mix of colours and 3 of 4 turned out to be the same.

          Waterlily is SO close now!

          Sent from my SM-G920F using Tapatalk

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