Planning the new season

Discussion in 'General Gardening Discussion' started by firsttimer, Oct 2, 2010.

  1. firsttimer

    firsttimer Gardener

    May 11, 2010
    Hi guys
    I've already got the plans done for my garden next year but need a bit of help you see i've been given couple of pieces of ground ones going to be approx 3ft square and the other is going to be 6 x 4 i plan to plant mixed leaves in the smaller plot and go for spuds in the other. Right heres the big question wot sort of mixed salad should i go for and wot spuds go best in the gound was thinking of having 2 varieties any ideas.

    Also i'm trying to decide on a veg to plant in front of my runners i had broads there this year but didn't get a massive yeild plus i found they didn't taste any different from the frozen ones. The space will be about 12 x 2.5 ft. Also any ideas of wot grows well in the shade would be greatly received

  2. JWK

    JWK Gardener Staff Member

    Jun 3, 2008
    I would grow a succession of different salad leaves in the smaller plot, it oviously depends on what you like, I grow rocket, spinach and little gem lettuces because thats what msot of our family like to eat. They are easy and quick to grow.

    I would grow an early potato (like Rocket) plus Pink Fir Apple for a later really tasty crop.

    Have a go at courgette or marrows in the shady plot, they tolerate shade more than most other veg in my experience.
  3. Phil A

    Phil A Guest

    Hi Terry,

    John beat me with the pink fir apples, very tasty.

    I grow lollo rosso letuce as the slugs leave it alone, grew a mixed salad from the bbc dig free seeds this year & there was a spikey salad leaf that was very tasty. think its called something like mizuma.

    French beans are always a good thing to lob in, prolific & tasty, broad beans are just for cattle.... (Runs away to get flak jacket)

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