Plant suggestions for an unusual spot

Discussion in 'General Gardening Discussion' started by waiting for the weather, Mar 20, 2011.

  1. waiting for the weather

    waiting for the weather Gardener

    Mar 11, 2011
    Hi all :)

    I've just cleared a space this afternoon and I'm wondering if anyone has any suggestions for some plants that'll do well there.

    The space is a very narrow bed besides a service road at the back of our house. The bed is only about a foot deep and runs along the base of a 10 foot high brick wall. The bed's about 15 foot wide.

    We've just cleared out a load of junk and weeds- it's still a bit pebbly and not very deep downwards, due to the wall foundations and general pebbliness, but the soil looks quite good. It's also on the north side of the wall, so only gets sun in the mornings.

    I was thinking of putting up some garden wire for some sweet peas to grow up. I'm wondering if you'd recommend anything else for going up the wall, and what could do well at the base? I'm guessing weeds are going to be a big issue.

    Thanks for any suggestions!

    This is my first post, just got my first proper garden... I'll share some pics when I go ahead with planting etc :)

  2. wozwoz

    wozwoz Gardener

    Feb 15, 2011
    Southern Cornwall-lucky me!
    Hello waiting for weather . U have a bit of a challenging spot, eh ?! Trachelospermum jasminoides could be the answer to your wall covering . It's happy in shade and is an evergreen , which is always nice - not so much mess! : ) - It has jasmine like flowers in the summer and grows at a nice rate - it doesn't ramp away but it gets on with it. Its a really nice all rounder. :dbgrtmb:[hr]
    P.s. u could always raise the bed to give u more depth of soil:dbgrtmb:
  3. waiting for the weather

    waiting for the weather Gardener

    Mar 11, 2011
    Thanks wozwoz, I never would have thought of this. And evergreen is a great idea!

    If it were your wall, would you think of getting a few of them and just going for one big sea of Trachelospermum Jasminoides, or would you mix it with something else?

    I've seen something a few times, a sort of leafy climber whose leaves turn bright red towards the end of autumn, really beautiful. Not sure what it is though? Also looks pretty vigorous.

    Will nip out and take some pics of the wall in question.

    Thanks again :)
  4. Sussexgardener

    Sussexgardener Gardener

    Oct 13, 2008
    West Sussex
    The plant you are describing is probably Virginia Creeper (or Boston Ivy I think it's also called). Lovely plant, fast growing but it is deciduous - something to consider if you want winter cover as well.

    Sweetpeas are lovely, but you have to keep picking the flowers to encourage new ones, otherwise they will flower quickly and then finish. Plus, they are only good for one season, unless you get the (non scented) perennial varieties.

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