Planting Up Hanging Baskets With Plugs

Discussion in 'General Gardening Discussion' started by trogre, Apr 24, 2018.

  1. trogre

    trogre Gardener

    Feb 9, 2011
    Could not resist buying a pack of 10 plugs of Petunia Calibrachoa "Million Bells from a seller on fleebay who in my experience have only supplied strong healthy well packed plugs.
    Arrived today and are on their normal 24 hour rest. Trouble is as I normally do not have plugs delivered so early I am at a 2 & 8 as what to do with them. The plugs are I suppose what you would call "medium" size at 40 mm high by 35 mm wide and very strong roots.
    Not sure if to plant them directly into hanging basket,taking into account that sometimes planting into too big a container can sometimes be too much for small plants and it dies,or the roots have too much space the plant grows weak.
    The alternative is to pot them up into say 3" pots to start with. I am scratching my head thinking in only a few weeks I will be re planting them into the hanging baskets so would the roots have enough time to develop in small pots for say 4 weeks?? Sort of a 6 of one and half dozen of the other.
    Your experience & knowledge will be greatly appreciated,thank you.
  2. HarryS

    HarryS Eternally Optimistic Gardener

    Aug 28, 2010
    Grow them on in 3" pots for about 4 weeks . Plenty of light and warmth , and a weak feed after a couple of weeks. If the plugs have them little net grow cases on them , make sure these are removed :blue thumb: Calibrachoa area a lovely basket plant .
    • Like Like x 2
    • Ned

      Ned Evaporated

      Apr 25, 2017
      Prime Minister
      The Moon
      I have planted hundreds of baskets with plug plants in the past for resale - and it is really better if you can do it while the root ball is small. Start with a layer of Sphagnum moss and a saucer for helping to keep the moisture in - add compost mixed with water crystals (just a small amount) plant the plugs through the basket around the bottom layer and keep adding moss, compost and plants in layers. When you get to the top plant 3 upright plants there to finish off and water well.
      I always sat the basket on a large pot whilst planting to keep it steady.
      Keep your baskets well watered, and checked daily for bugs in a sheltered place - watch out for frosts until May at least.
      The plants will grow then in the basket, and the roots will not need to be disturbed further.
      As Harry said - if you see those awful hairnet things on the plug roots, take them off first as they don`t allow the water in or the roots out!
      A tube planted in the very centre of the basket, sitting on the saucer will help water to seep through from the inside - a small plastic cup with the bottom cut out would do.
      • Informative Informative x 1
      • trogre

        trogre Gardener

        Feb 9, 2011
        Bit late in getting back to you but thanks for your tips & advice. I do have a question about water crystals so will put up a separate post,thanks

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