Plants or herbs that deter insects and flies?

Discussion in 'Herbs and Wildflowers' started by banaaana, Oct 15, 2009.

  1. banaaana

    banaaana Apprentice Gardener

    Oct 15, 2009
    Hi All

    we have just bought a new home, which is located near a stream and wooded area behind us.
    This summer, we had a lot of black fly and midges flying about, which obviously is a it uncomfartable when having friends round for BBQ's etc.

    I wondered if there was anything that i could plant in the garden to deter them , as i dont like using pesticides.

    Someone has reccomened that i build a bat house as they there diet is made up largely of these critters?

    any suggestions would be much appreciated

    Thankyou in advance

  2. Rhyleysgranny

    Rhyleysgranny Gardener

    Aug 6, 2008
    I believe mint is good for keeping flies out of the house. You wouldn't want to plant it in the garden or you will spend your life trying to get rid of it. perhaps large containers around your patio area might help.
    If you find a deterrent for midges you will make your fortune :hehe:
  3. clueless1

    clueless1 member... yep, that's what I am:)

    Jan 8, 2008
    I think you're going to struggle to keep midges at bay if you live on the edge of woodland, and near a stream.

    Wearing a wide brimmed hat stops them bugging you, but you can't exactly hand the hats out when your guests come round.

    Maybe you could look at those large outdoor incense sticks, positioned along your boundary. Insects don't like smoke, especially if it is strongly scented, as much of their navigation is by scent so they get confused.

    You said you don't like pesticides, that's just as well because they wouldn't help anyway. Unless of course you bought a fleet of helicopters and blitzed the whole woods, for the number of insects in there, using a hand sprayer would be like a bit like using a teaspoon to bail out the titanic.

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