Potato questions

Discussion in 'Edible Gardening' started by Victoria Plum, Jun 28, 2009.

  1. Victoria Plum

    Victoria Plum Gardener

    May 6, 2009
    Zone 8b/9a
    Can anyone help me with my potatoes - a few questions I need help with please

    My Dad put in earlies and and lates in for me when we moved in and left me to it. Trouble is, he shoved in a stick to mark the different crops, but them forgot which was which. Marvellous!

    One lot are huge, and are flowering now, in abundance. When we dug up a plant the potatoes were a red vartiety.

    The others are much smaller, only a few in flower and the potatoes are white.

    I'm guessing the reds are the lates, although I am puzzled as to why these are so much bigger than the earlies and why they are flowering so abundently, when the earlies look like they need a rocket up their tubers!!!! :hehe:
  2. NatalieB

    NatalieB Gardener

    May 29, 2009
    I have absolutely no idea about potatoes and when they are ready etc. I do love new potatoes though, and so today dug up some reds, blues and whites and had a wonderful potatoe salad with dinner tonight. My blues were very low in production, so will assume now that they are a late and leave the rest alone for a little while. But damn....they tasted good!

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