preparing to turf

Discussion in 'Lawns' started by penguin, Apr 28, 2007.

  1. penguin

    penguin Apprentice Gardener

    Apr 28, 2007
    Hi All, I'm starting work to lay a new lawn, my garden is a bit lumpy and bumpy and the old grass is full of dandelions and moss. I've starting to dig it and I'm removing what I can weed wise. It's taking ages and I've only done about 10% in 4 hours [​IMG] , would I be better to just turn it over and put some weed and feed down? or do I need to pull the weeds out? I'm going to level it and put some sharp sand down then re turf.
    Thanks [​IMG]
  2. vegman

    vegman Gardener

    May 22, 2007
    Consider that the lawn is going to be down for years and the turf costs money and hard work to lay. Better to prepare right and get rid of all the grass, weeds and stones etc. rake it fairly level and then walk on it so your footsteps have coverd all the ground. Rake it again at 90 degrees to the first raking to get it flat (no hills or valleys) tread and rake again and it should be OK. Yoy have plenty of time to lay turf which I like to do around september. Thne the winter rains can water it in for me. Dont know about the sharp sand bit unless you fear bad drainage. You can mis sharp sand and peat together for the infill between the turves. Keep digging!
  3. gerkin50

    gerkin50 Gardener

    Dec 7, 2006
    september is best gives the roots a chance to get going before the cold weather,,may is ok but your gonna have to water a few times a week in dry weather

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