Problem with killing moss on lawn

Discussion in 'Lawns' started by saiwong, May 8, 2010.

  1. saiwong

    saiwong Apprentice Gardener

    May 8, 2010

    I have a moss problem on my lawn (about 60% was moss)
    so I purchased Evergreen Complete to kill the moss. I selected this
    product because it also said that it would add nutreaents to the soil
    to make the grass grow stronger.
    I followed the instructions on the packet and the moss turned black
    as described. I waited 2 weeks and then raked out the dead moss.
    I then planted new grass seeds and then waited for them to grow.
    I watered the lawn every two days as intructed on the box of grass
    seeds. I was told that grass takes approx 10-14 days to grow but it
    has now been over 2 weeks and nothing has happened.

    Since the lawn has become an eyesore (due to blank patches of soil)
    I went and brought several rolls of fresh turf and laid it down on
    the blank patches (hoping to reduce the uglyness of the lawn).
    However, I have found that the new turf is starting to turn yellow
    and dying.

    I am wondering if the EverGreen Complete is killing everything off
    and stopping anything from growing. Has it poisoned my soil ???

    Please help.
  2. Marley Farley

    Marley Farley Affable Admin! Staff Member

    May 11, 2005
    Grandmother Gardener Councillor Homemaker
    Under the Edge Zone 8b
    Hi Saiwong & [​IMG]... No it won;t have poisoned your soil but it's effects will still be felt by seed or turf perhaps.. As regared re-seeding it has been very cold so it would be slow, but I think it is the residue of the evergreen as well stoped it germinating.. If you put turf down it has to be watered twice a day for the first week at least, again it is cold so will be slow to take.. Turf needs plenty of water as you have to be sure you get the moisture down through the grass to the soil underneath to encourage rooting....

    Wait a bit longer & maybe we will have some rain which will help to wash it away & then start again would be my advice... :thumb: If you put down a weed & feed then you must wait for it to disappear into the soil & wash away before new plants or seed will take... It is usually in the small print on the boxes somewhere.. Hope that helps.. Don't give up grass is tough stuff.. :wink:
  3. Blueroses

    Blueroses Gardener

    Mar 7, 2010
    Totally off topic for which I apologise to the OP, but where else would I be able to comment on Marley Farley's image above of a Cecily Mary Barker flower fairy ? I adore her work and collect china with her beautiful flower fairy artwork :)
  4. Marley Farley

    Marley Farley Affable Admin! Staff Member

    May 11, 2005
    Grandmother Gardener Councillor Homemaker
    Under the Edge Zone 8b
    :gnthb: Hey Blueroses... Yes just a bit off topic, but hopefully saiwong won't mind.... Great minds think alike... Her work is fabulous, have always loved it..!! :gnthb:
    OK back on topic now.. :hehe:

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