Products and bits to have in the cupboard

Discussion in 'General Gardening Discussion' started by Whiley, Jul 30, 2006.

  1. Whiley

    Whiley Gardener

    Jul 30, 2006
    In my browsings of the forum, i've seen a variety of tools and products named, and I'm wandering if there anything i should keep on me?

    I can only keep plants in pots really, so no spades and forks for me! Any reccomended composts, miracle grow type concoctions, or plant first aid kits i should be keeping on me?

    Lookie at me, trying to be all prepared! And i've only got a lonely, poorly geranium too! :D
  2. Victoria

    Victoria Lover of Exotic Flora

    Jun 9, 2006
    Lady of Leisure
    Messines, Algarve
    Hi, again, Whiley! At the moment, with just your poorly Geranium (and I've explained in your other question what to do with it) you really only need a hand trowel and fork. There's no use spending money to have unnecessary tools lying around waiting to be used! Start small, think big! :D
  3. frogesque

    frogesque Gardener

    Sep 13, 2005
    If your growing in pots and containers all you really need is some compost and the fork and trowel Lady of Liesure has mentioned. Also handy to collect are wooden kebab skewers and other sticks and canes of various sizes for tying up and supporting. Stainless kitchen scissors, some string and that just about covers it for the time being. Over time you can also collect the pots and containers you'll need. Any old suacers or small plates can be used to stand the pots on to protect furniture or paintwork and the plants really won't mind if they are chipped. :D

    As your collection grows you will find a small plastic watering can (maybe about 1/2 gall) with a long spout helps to get in amongst the plants and for misting you can get a cheap hand spray bottle or recycle a kitchen cleaner bottle after you've given it a thorough clean out and several rinses.

    Geraniums (actually Pellagoniums) are pretty easy to start with. Most Fushias will be OK in a well lit window as well but they do need a fair bit of watering and African Violets will thrive if you have a shady windowsill. Cyclamen also make a lovely winter display when other plants are just ticking over.

    Gardening can really be as cheap or expensive as you want it to be!
  4. Whiley

    Whiley Gardener

    Jul 30, 2006
    Thank you both! I'll pick up some of those bits!

    My mum told me that she swears by miracle grow compost. Her flowers are amazing and huge and healthy and she hasnt the foggiest about plants! So jammy of her!

    I think i forgot to mention that my potted plants would be outside Frogesque, but thank you for those suggestions!

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