Propagate Plum

Discussion in 'Edible Gardening' started by Mrs Flowers, Oct 19, 2008.

  1. Mrs Flowers

    Mrs Flowers Gardener

    Dec 9, 2006
    When I visited with some friends in Los Angeles this Summer, I ate the best plum I'd ever eaten in my life.
    It was fragrant, juicy, mild and tasty with a very fine and delicate texture to the flesh.

    I'm finding out whether it's a grated tree. Will it come true from the stone in the fruit? Or do I need to take a few cuttings and bring them back to root?

    Is it legal to bring a branch or few back to England?

    Probably not.

    Thank you
  2. pete

    pete Growing a bit of this and a bit of that....

    Jan 9, 2005
    Mid Kent
    Hi, the short answer is No.

    It wont come true from the stones.

    If it was grown commercially it will be grafted, if its a garden tree then its probably still grafted and I dont think you would have much success with cuttings.

    The only realistic method is to graft wood from that tree onto a rootstock.
    I have an idea that bringing wood into this country from there would not be allowed, but I think it might have been done in the past by a few people:wink::)

    Probably the best approach would be to find out the name of the variety and see if its available over here.

    if so, chances are it wouldn't taste the same, as the growing conditions are different.
  3. Mrs Flowers

    Mrs Flowers Gardener

    Dec 9, 2006
    Hi Pete,

    Thanks for your answer. Not the answer I wanted but what I was afraid of.
    I'll check into what is allowed to be brought into the country.

    Problem is, my friends don't know the name of the variety.

    mrs flowers

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