Propagating A Rose By Taking A Cutting

Discussion in 'Roses' started by wiseowl, Jul 12, 2023.

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  1. wiseowl

    wiseowl Amiable Admin Staff Member

    Oct 29, 2006
    Philosophy of people
    In a barn somewhere in North Kent
    This is the way that I have done it in the past when cars had solid tyres:heehee::heehee::heehee:
    In late Summer or early Autumn cut a piece of stemup to about 23 cm (9 inches) in length,with about 4 or 5 leaves,from the stock plant.

    Remove all except the top two leaf shoots but keep the buds.Cut the base of the stem through the lowest bud.Dip the cutting in to water,then in hormone rooting powder,then plant in a trench some sharp sand has been added.after filling and firming about 3-5 cm(1 and 1/4 -2 inches)of the cutting is above ground level.

    In a normal season the cutting will have grown a good root system after 12 months and be ready to place in its permanent position.this process can be accelerated by taking cutting later in the season(early Spring)and putting them in the greenhouse in pots and using gentle bottom heat

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