Proposed garden pond

Discussion in 'Water Gardening' started by marjoriesseedling, Nov 23, 2014.

  1. marjoriesseedling

    marjoriesseedling Apprentice Gardener

    Aug 16, 2008
    I have a small garden pond about 8in deep, but it is in shade. I want to make another one larger and deeper that will attract wildlife and gets the sun with some shade enabling a greater variety of pond plants and wildlife they will attract.

    I am planning to make it 3.5m x 5m. How deep do I need to go to accommodate a wide variety of plants? Also how much wider do I allow for the pond liner size with this depth?

    I don't want a fountain as I want it to look natural, but I am having a pond pump for a stream looking like a spring from a raised part of the garden.



    ARMANDII Low Flying Administrator Staff Member

    Jan 12, 2019
    Hi Maj, well, firstly you can go onto a site where they sell pond liner, such as Bradshaws and you will find a pond liner calculator there for you. It's basically length X width X Depth I would include an extra 12" all round for the overlay on the banks. Don't forget to calculate for some extra for the channel of the stream.:snork:

    Well, my Wild Life pond is just over 3' in depth but anything from around 2' should be fine. I have 3' depth to ensure that any pond life is protected at that depth from freezing although I also stick a floating heater in if there's a case of a cold snap. :coffee:

    Another point, you might find as the pond matures you might have to go for a paddle or wade as I have to in order to tidy up from dead/dying vegation on the banks from the water.
    If you do always wear footwear of some sort and make sure you have no cuts or abrasions on your feet. I failed to do either some years back and had a tiny cut on one of my feet and the result of that was a swollen, infected foot that had me in agony:gaah:. I ended up having to have antibiotics to cure the infections, so now I use Chest Waders to paddle around when cleaning up the pond.:dunno:

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