Pruning a cotoneaster?

Discussion in 'Other Plants' started by nikirushka, May 4, 2016.

  1. nikirushka

    nikirushka Gardener

    Mar 2, 2012
    I've just pulled up and potted my cotoneaster, after it was in for 9 years and being smothered by other plants. As you can see, it's gotten a tad spindly (it's growing from the smaller round terracotta pot at the front)! 2016-05-04 18.15.18.jpg

    Do I need to prune it to get it back to a sensible shape, or will it bush out a bit now it's got sunlight again? It will be planted again at some stage, in a better spot.

    And on that note: what constitutes a better spot for a cotoneaster? I found it as a sprout when I moved in, didn't know what it was so just plonked it where it's been since and forgot about it. So I know nothing about growing them on purpose!
  2. Lorea

    Lorea Wine drinker

    Apr 16, 2012
    English teacher
    The Basque Country, Northern Spain
    I would maybe cut back the longer branches just to tidy it up a bit and give it a bit of shape. Cotoneasters are as tough as old boots. I've chopped mine back really hard a few times and it always comes back really well. I think they cope with more or less any conditions. Mine is planted in full sun so receives intense heat in summer, and also hard frosts in winter. It's also popping up all over the place as the berries which the birds don't eat drop into the surrounding soil.

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