Pruning plants!

Discussion in 'General Gardening Discussion' started by mztrouble, Sep 14, 2008.

  1. mztrouble

    mztrouble Gardener

    Oct 12, 2007
    Hi Guys, I have the following plants which I planted this year or last year - I have been checking the internet to see when I should prune them and there seems to be very different advice!! Sooooo when should I prune the following plants:

    Blueberry tophat
    wineberry plant
    winter honeysuckle
    rambling roses (on wall)
    Rose bush

    and what do I do (ie cut back, protect - with straw or something? look after?) with the following plants:
    tomato plants
    herb pot - coriander, thyme, mint

    Sorry for the long list! I just want to make sure I am looking after them properly in the winter months!!!
  2. Katherna

    Katherna Gardener

    Jul 17, 2008
    Lavender I tend to trim as it doesn't grow on the old wood (think it's that), I usually just tidy it up so it's sort of round shaped.
    Strawberries - I've got a crown thats been left in a pot for a ocuple of years, I just let it die back and leave it to it, always comes back :)
    Hostas - these die back in the winter and can be split in the spring (my dad tells me this as I've got a pot full of them)
    Tomato plants - once they've finished put them into the compost / bin / recycling. Although my mum chopped one of hers down and it's started to regrow in the middle but I think people don't reuse them.
    Herbs - your corriander might die off in the winter, perhaps take it inside, or pop into a greenhouse? Thyme tends to die back and grow again likewise mint.
    Roses - I'm just learning about these but Lollipop, Wiseoldowl and a few others will be able to advise you very well.
    Pinks I think you leave them to die back and take cuttings in spring? Not sure, but I know how to take the cuttings, lol.
    All the others I have no idea, lol, but I'm sure the loely people on here will be able to advise you and probably point out to me where I'm giving wrong info, lol. I'm just starting out seriously on the garden and have had to ask lots of questions.
  3. Helofadigger

    Helofadigger Gardener

    Jul 7, 2007
    Hi Trouble (Lol) I divide my Hostas when they are dormat although to be honest I have divided them at different times throughout the year and although they may sulk some what they soon pick up. For Hostas just take a big knife and slice through the plant roots and all, it sounds scary but you will be rewarded with with no end of plants just from one large one as they grow with ease just as long as you can keep the slugs from them!

    I tend to take cuttings around about now so have a go at the plants you have now in your garden. Pinks are so very easy believe it or not you can just take a young shoot and just stick it in a jar of water on a window sill and it will grow roots very easy the same goes for Fuschias and mint to name but a few.

    As you prune your plants you can use the prune clips as cuttings to grow on just take some nice new growth and pop them in a little rooting powder and then into some potting compost and there you go new plants on its
  4. mztrouble

    mztrouble Gardener

    Oct 12, 2007
    oooh super idea! I've been wanting to take a cutting from a local blackberry in the nature reserve as well (have checked and council said its ok) so is now the best time for that too? Think I'll buy some root stuff next weekend and do a bit of research this week!
  5. lollipop

    lollipop Gardener

    Jun 26, 2008
    Do you have a cold frame or greenhouse-or a shady and protected corner MzTrouble?

    Camelia...............................................In spring after it has flowered.
    Lavender..............................................Trim back as soon as planted, then after flowering into new growth
    Blueberry tophat
    wineberry plant
    winter honeysuckle
    rambling roses (on wall)........................After November when the rose is dormant-or youo can take cuttings of them now
    Rose bush.............................................Again after November

    and what do I do (ie cut back, protect - with straw or something? look after?) with the following plants:
    Strawberries..........................................You don`t need to protect strawberries, you should tale runners though as they will have exhausted themselves after 2/3 crops
    tomato plants
    Pinks.....................................................Take cuttings and overwinter them
    herb pot - coriander, thyme, mint............again take cuttings to increase numbers that way you don`t need to protect them as such
    lupins...................................................cuttings, but you are a bit late for those

    This is only what I do in my garden, and there are tricks and fine tuning to be done with the above, I think, no wait, I am positive someone will give you a few differing bits of advice, but you need to try a few different things with each plant each yr to find how your garden grows best.

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