Puzzling Peppers?

Discussion in 'Edible Gardening' started by Plant Potty, Jul 5, 2011.

  1. Plant Potty

    Plant Potty Gardener

    May 29, 2011
    I cant get my head around my peppers, I grew some from seed this year, one went to a mates mum (I dont know how its doing) one a put in the front boarder (its still alive but stunted coz it was way too early to be outside), my mate was having one when he moved house and I kept the biggest, the biggest was a double plant coz I did'nt have the heart to kill one of them and the roots were to tangled.

    Anyway, I've watered/fed/lovingly cared for mine moving it around into the best spot for sun and its responded growing to 32 inches now, my mates house move was set back months (plastering, rewire, kitchen etc) I put his outside waiting to be collected, the house move was'nt going well and month or so later I noticed his pepper was stunted and not looking as happy, so I got it back indoors and repotted it, I then banished it to my sons window sill, it often dried out as I forgot to check it, its mannaged to get to only 19 inches.

    But my Pepper wont set any fruit, it forms tons of flowers but then they just drop off:scratch: its still doing that now, you can see dropped flowers on the compost, but the unloved plant has now set three peppers.....


    What am I doing wrong? it makes no sense, I was so looking foward to home grown peppers for the bbq n salads, I told my mate he cant have his plant now:loll:as its my only producing one, he's more than fine about that coz wont have time to look after it until his house is done.

    Any ideas?:scratch:

    Plant Potty.:scratch:
  2. pete

    pete Growing a bit of this and a bit of that....

    Jan 9, 2005
    Mid Kent
    My guess would be too much nitrogen.

    Maybe you are feeding also?

    Just give it a while and I'm sure it will sort its self out.

    Window sills are not really the best place as the light only comes from one side and they look slightly leggy.
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    • Plant Potty

      Plant Potty Gardener

      May 29, 2011
      Thanks Pete, it has been fed and the other not (I think it did have a shot of tomatoe food?), the leggy part also might be due in part to each plants leaves over lapping when they were smaller, I kind of untangled them n pulled them apart, you can see how close they were at the bottom of the stems, I'll put them on starvation rations:heehee: and see what happens.

      Plant Potty.:)
    • Plant Potty

      Plant Potty Gardener

      May 29, 2011
      Well a week with no food and little/less water has worked wonders, the large plants are now setting tons of peppers:dbgrtmb:

      Plant Potty.:)

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