Query re. jasmine and a rambling rose - pix attached

Discussion in 'Roses' started by Catkin, Feb 12, 2011.

  1. Catkin

    Catkin Apprentice Gardener

    Feb 9, 2011
    Can anyone please offer their advice? ONe picture is of a jasmine - at least I think that's what it is. I chopped it right back before Christmas. I don't know how old it is , it was here when we moved to this house. should I feed it now, or do anything in particular? Not sure how clear the picture is, but it looks like it's half out of the soil! Could I dig it up and plant it further down in the earth? Or should I chuck some compost / mulch around the base?

    Re the rambling rose,(albertine) I planted this in the autumn, underneath a tree. Then, for various reasons, the tree had to be taken out. So I took the end of the rose and stuck it in the next tree along, and it's now growing through that tree instead. the only thing is, the base of the rose is obviously further away from the tree than it should be. Shall I dig up the rose and re-plant it closer to the tree it is now growing through? also, when should I prune it, considering it was only planted in the autumn just gone?

    Hope you can help!! Thanks!

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